#32: Let's Talk Woodworking & Welding Shop Safety
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#32: Let's Talk Woodworking & Welding Shop Safety
In this episode, Johnny, James, and Zack talk shop safety in the woodworking and metalworking shop. Push sticks, fire hazards, PPE, and more! Enjoy.
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Check out our Patreon page here, we have tons of support levels, a weekly After Show, monthly hangouts, and more! Our top patron this week is Make Build Modify, and we'd like to welcome our new patrons: Christopher Pickslay. Thanks for your support!
What are we working on?
- Zack: Cam from instagram, shirt from Breclaimed, New dog, chairs, industrial desk, table design, Overgripping
- Johnny: Arts and Crafts Dining Chairs, put out Rustic Bathroom Vanity video
- James: Saw bench and work bench and buying old tools
Show Topic: Shop Safety
- Zack: Table saw, Router, slivers, blacksmithing…,loose PPE/welding,thumb swinging hammer
- Johnny: Dust collection, eye protection, respirator, put tools away, reduce clutter, SawStop.
- James: SLOW DOWN. have respect for tools you know and fear the ones you don’t.
Q&A / After Show:
Tom Ferone: "I have a small Bernzomatic torch. Uses map and O2. Have not used yet. Nervous about lighting right and shutting it off with out the flame backing into the handle. Any tips Zach?"
Joke of the week
Scott Curtis: "How do lumberjacks get fired? They get the ax!"
What’s new/what are we watching/reading?
- Johnny: Kyle Toth 100,000, Trustin Timber, Oklahoma
- James: Wood and Shop
- Zack: dog
Favorite tool/product this week?
- Zack: 9-½ block plane
- Johnny: Roubo Workbench!
- James: Saw vice
Jay Bates Push Stick : https://jayscustomcreations.com/2014/03/the-best-push-stick-ever-invented/