#1: Woodworking, Hand Tools vs. Power tools?

In this inaugural episode of the Crafted Podcast, Johnny, James and Zack discuss the merits of woodworking with hand tools and their uses in a modern workshop environment.

Show Notes:

Corny joke of the week:

Q: Why does this greenish soft "hardwood" have a lot of friends? A: Because it's poplar.

What are we working on?

Johnny: Finished his conference table build. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvFpNJY2jbg Also, working on his coffin build. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMU3hrHAIDw

James: Continued work on his White Oak dresser build. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hOojGV2N4Q

Zack: Finished his conference table build as well (no video yet). https://www.instagram.com/p/BLeYwZ9BtDd/?taken-by=zhfabrications

Show Topic: Hand tools vs. power tools for woodworking?

  • Pros & Cons
  • Which three tools do we recommend for starting with hand tools?

Q & A from the Live Chat

From Donny M Carter: Where do you guys see the future of content/maker/YouTube is going?

What’s new/what are we watching?

This Week's Builder Battle #builderbattle

Who would win in a battle? Submit your answer via Twitter. This week's battle is Matt Cremona and his Bandsaw Mill vs Izzy Swan and his drill-powered T-Rex! #builderbattle