#2: Incorporating Metal & Welding Into Your Woodworking

#2: Incorporating Metal & Welding Into Your Woodworking
Crafted Podcast

In Episode #2, Johnny, James and Zack talk about their recommendations for incorporating metal and welding into your woodworking projects. They talk about using brass and aluminum, black pipe, and inexpensive welding options.

Show Notes

What are we working on?

Johnny - Farmhouse-style buffet cabinet: https://www.instagram.com/p/BMFqPqPDXeq/?taken-by=craftedworkshop

DIY Bike Rack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9NGzNWb_rQ

James' secret project - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAxjZ1z3Pzo

Zack - Wine barrel chandelier https://www.instagram.com/p/BMFLEFmBWtK/?taken-by=zhfabrications

Show Topic: Incorporating metal & welding into your woodworking

What’s new/what are we watching?

Favorite tool this week?

  • Zack - Speed Square
  • Johnny - Woodpeckers Square
  • James - Stanley No. 244 Miter Box

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